Bewerbung an:
Peaceful Learning Limited
Lara Ritson
Landons Close
E14 London

Telefon: 02081919551

Bewerbung via:

Nanny/ Lead facilitator/ Teacher

Nanny, Au-pair

Searching for a Nanny/ Lead facilitator/ Teacher for a therapeutic homeschool co-op.  
Ages 2-7 years (ratio 1:2 to 1:3, parent participation),
Starting Summer/Fall 2022,
4 co-op days per week, plus 2 optional hrs on the weekend for "date night",
Monday-Thursday 9.30AM-4.30PM, 
The rest of the hours will be made up of individual nannying hours within the community, 
Location, Long Beach, CA.

A gentle, honest nanny / facilitator / teacher who is RIE trained or experienced.  Most importantly a background in psychology, knowledge about trauma and attachment, with tender co-regulation skills would be ideal.   A RIE Associate and 2 pioneering Psychotherapists will be working closely with the school.  Nanny should be self-aware and have great observational skills to help guide the children in their development.  An understanding of Self-Directed Education and Unschooling would be great.  Reggio Emilia, Montessori, Waldorf, or Charlotte Mason approaches also welcome.
The school is located in a family home, with large outdoor access.
Open to considering an au pair. 

Providing a child-led day full of love, and developmentally appropriate activities,
A driver needed for outings (car may be provided, prefer if the nanny has own vehicle),
Organic, wholesome food provided for the children, someone who is willing to meal prep,
Family plans to purchase a chameleon and a large therapy dog next year.

$1600 gross per week,